Day 4

Oct. 9 Thrusday

Hello Again,
Today we are taking the river ride through Glen Canyon on the Colorado river just above
the Grand Canyon. In order to get to the river we had to go through a 2 mile tunnel down
to the base of the Dam. Since 9-11 the security is tight there. Just before we head down
we have to unload the bus so they could search it. This is a picture of Prilly trying to cover
her butte.
The first night we ate at the Dam Restaurant on the Dam Plaza. We had a Dam salad with
some Dam water and Dam chicken. It was dam good but took to dam long.
I met these to workers there at the Dam and they looked pretty Dam funny.
I think they drank to much of that Dam water.
They look like they got hit by one of those Dam rocks.
Now they're trying to tell the Dam guide which way to go. Can you see me in this Dam picture?
I look pretty Dam good.
Our guide stopped here to give them some deer runoff.
Do we look like we are having Dam fun yet?
For a couple of older ladies they are looking pretty Dam Good.
I think I bring out the best in them.
Quiz time ! What plant is this and how tall is it ?
This is a century plant. It only blooms once every 100 years and then dies.
I'll bet you didn't think it was 10-12 feet tall.
Out here you lose all perspective of size.
Those canyon walls behind her are over 2000 ft high. Unless you have a good set of binoculars you can't
even see the people on top of the ridge.
This is Horseshoe Bend Overlook looking up at the bluff. Now to put size in perspective
look for the boat of people at the base.
This is one of many of those Dam birds.
I just love people that laugh at my Dam jokes.

Tomorrow we go to Glen Canyon National Park and take a boat ride on Lake Powell to see Rainbow Bridge.
So as the sun sets over the Dam plain, we head for bed cause we are Dam worn out.
See you tomorrow!
Ralph Prilly & Sue

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